Legal Disclosure Relating to Structured Notes
Actual Bid Price applicable to a sale in the secondary market will be determined by market conditions prevailing at the time of the sale, and may be different than the value indicated on the webpage. Bid Price (i) may be subject to an Early Trading Charge (equal to a percentage of the Principal Amount), (ii) on the date of sale may be at a discount from the maturity payment that would be payable if the Notes were maturing on such date, and (iii) reflects the most recent price available. The Bid Price may fluctuate and/or be adversely affected by a number of factors, including certain factors discussed in the Offering Documents.
Past Performance
Past performance is not indicative of future performance and returns, if any, will fluctuate with any change in value of the reference asset(s). This information should not be construed as an estimate or forecast of the performance of the reference asset(s) or of the return that a holder may realize.
Risk Factors/Suitability for Investment
The material on this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to purchase Notes. Investors should read the Base Shelf Prospectus and applicable Prospectus Supplement and/or Pricing Supplement and/or Information Statement (collectively, the “Offering Documents”) which set out the specific terms and risk factors associated with an investment in the Notes carefully and discuss the suitability of the Notes with their investment advisor before making any investment decisions. The offering and sale of Notes may be prohibited or restricted by laws in certain jurisdictions. Notes may only be purchased where they may be lawfully offered for sale and only through individuals qualified to sell them. For a copy of the applicable Offering Documents, click on the appropriate link on the webpage.
No Guarantee
Amounts, if any, paid to holders of Notes will depend on the performance of the reference asset(s) described in the applicable Offering Documents. Bank of Montreal does not guarantee that holders will receive an amount equal to the amount invested in the Notes and does not guarantee that any return or distributions will be paid on the Notes, including at maturity. See the Offering Documents.
Indicative Value
Indicative values on this website assume that the value of the reference asset(s) remain unchanged until (Call)/maturity, but the value of the reference asset(s) may fluctuate. The information construed on this website should not be construed as an estimate or forecast of the performance of the reference asset(s) or of the return that a holder may realize.